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2017-10-20 13:53  

一、宁波工程学院来华留学生守则 Code of Conduct for International Students of Ningbo University of Technology


In order to improve the standardized management of the international students in China, this Code is enacted according to the Regulations on the Management of Foreign Students Received by Colleges and Universities, the Provisions on the Management of Students in Colleges and Universities, as well as other related official documents, and in accordance with the practical situation of the foreign students on campus (hereinafter referred to as the "international students").

(1) 遵守中国的法律、法规及学校的规章制度,尊重中国的社会公德和风俗习惯。

Comply with Chinese laws, codes and the rules and regulations of the University. Respect Chinese social morality, conventions and customs.

(2) 按时足额缴纳学费、住宿费;在规定时间内,将学费足额汇入宁波工程学院指定账户;未交清学杂费,不可办理居留许可延签。

Pay your tuition and accommodation fees before the set deadline. If you have not completed this step, you will not be permitted to apply for your Residence Permit/Visa.

(3) 及时到留学生办公室购买来华留学综合保险,严禁脱保。

Pay your insurance fee at the International Student Affairs Office before the set deadline.

(4) 居留许可过期45日前,及时到留学生办公室领取表格申请办理延长居留手续,过期将被中国公安机关罚款、拘留或驱逐出境。

Go to the International Student Affairs Office 45 days before your Residence Permit/Visa expiration date and pick up a Residence Permit/Visa application form in order to process a new Residence Permit/Visa. Otherwise you will be charged for overdue fines, on detention or deportation by the police.

(5) 上课不迟到、不早退、不旷课。不得无故请假,因病等特殊情况向所在学院请假。

You shall not be late for class, leave class early or skip class. It is prohibited to take time off from class without proper reason. If you are ill or have something important / urgent to do and cannot attend class, go to your faculty and report to the teachers for leave.

(6) 上课遵守课堂纪律,不干扰其他同学,不使用手机,不吃东西。

Behave yourself during class. You are not allowed to disturb any other students in class. You shall not use the mobile phone or eat during class.

(7) 严格遵守考场纪律,不违纪作弊;因各种原因不能参加考试须在考试前向学院提出书面申请。

Comply with examination rules strictly. Cheating is strictly prohibited. If for some reason you are unable to attend any examinations, go to your faculty and get a written approval in advance.

(8) 教学楼、教室、宿舍楼等公共场所禁止吸烟、喧哗;保持教学楼、教室和宿舍楼清洁,私人书籍和用具不应留在教室内。

Smoking is prohibited in classrooms, teaching buildings, dormitories and any other public places on campus; personal items should not be left intentionally in the classrooms or around campus.

(9) 严格遵守作息制度,不得妨碍他人休息。留学生宿舍开放时间:周日周四(6:00—22:30),周五周六(6:00—23:00)。

Schedule your work and rest by strictly conforming to the university’s study and rest schedule lest others should be disturbed. Opening time for international students’ dorms: Sunday to Thursday (6:00 am — 22:30 pm); Friday to Saturday (6:00 am —23:00 pm).

(10) 严禁在宿舍留宿他人,不得在宿舍大声喧哗,影响他人休息,否则取消其住宿资格。

You shall not have any visitors stay over night. You shall not disturb others by making noise in the dormitory. Otherwise, your qualification of dormitory accommodation shall be cancelled.

(11) 不得在非运动场所进行体育运动。禁止播放播放高声音乐。

Playing sports of any kind in non-sports areas is prohibited, and playing loud music is also not allowed.

(12) 不得打架、斗殴,不得侮辱、谩骂他人。

Fighting and verbal insults are not allowed.

(13) 不得酗酒,不得吸毒,不得酒驾,不得卖淫、嫖娼。

Alcohol Drinking, drug use, prostitution and whoring are strictly prohibited.

(14) 不得有诈骗行为,不得非法拿取别人财物。未经学校允许,不得参与有偿劳务活动。

Fraud or theft is strictly prohibited. Working for money without the permission of the University is prohibited.

(15) 维护校园交通安全,校园内驾车速度不超过20km/h,自行车、电瓶车不带人。

To ensure the safety of others, riding on campus shall below 20km per hour, and riding a bike or electric bike with a passenger is not allowed.

(16) 尊重不同国家、不同民族风俗习惯和宗教信仰,不得参加非法宗教聚会及其他非法活动。

Respect different ethnic customs, religious beliefs and languages. Participation of any religious or illegal gatherings is prohibited.

(17) 如果遇到危及人身、财产及生命安全的紧急情况,可拨打紧急求助电话110求助;非紧急情况可以拨打学校管理老师的电话求助 ;火警119

If you are in any life or property danger, or get hurt in anyway, or any of your personal belongings have been stolen, please call 110. In case of non-emergency situations, you may call the school teachers in charge for help. In case of a fire, please call 119.

二、宁波工程学院来华留学生办事流程及注意事项Services Procedures and Precautions


1)新生报到、体检 / Registration for new students


New students should arrive at Ningbo University of Technology International Student Affairs Office on time with a valid X1/X2 visa and their admission notice to register for enrollment. Students who are not able to arrive on time should submit written notice to the University to request an approval of late arrival. As a rule, the period of absence because of late arrival is limited to a maximum of two weeks. Once a student is enrolled, leaving the University without permission or exceeding the permitted leave time shall be regarded as truancy. If a student does not register within the first two weeks of a semester without explaining the reason, his or her qualification of enrollment shall be canceled.


New students should go through physical examination following the University’s arrangement in Ningbo International Travel Health Care Center. If the examination result does not meet the standards, enrollment will be revoked. Those whose conditions do not meet the standards instituted in the Chinese laws on sanitation and quarantine will be required to leave China immediately at their own expense.

2)老生报到、注册/ Registration for current students


At the beginning of each semester, old students should arrive at Ningbo University of Technology International Student Affairs Office on time with a valid Residence Permit to register at their Faculty/College and have the register seal affixed to their student card after presenting the tuition and fees receipts. Students who are not able to arrive on time should submit written notice to the University to request an approval of late arrival. As a rule, the period of absence because of late arrival is limited to a maximum of two weeks. Once a student is enrolled, leaving the University without permission or exceeding the permitted leave time shall be regarded as truancy. If a student does not register within the first three weeks of a semester without explaining the reason, his or her qualification of enrollment shall be canceled.

3)信息登记与更新/ Register and update information


All international students should check and confirm their own information of passport ID, residence permit, contacts and accommodation at the beginning of each semester. Any information changes must be reported to your Faculty/College and the University International Student Affairs Office without any delay.

4)缴费、退费/Fees payment and Refund


During the period of study, all fees stipulated by the University shall be paid on time. Those who fail to pay on time are not allowed to register or extend residence permit. In addition, his/her study qualification will be canceled. The tuition fees for international students shall be paid once for one semester.


Late arrivals with approval of the University, no matter how late for registration, must pay full tuition, registration and insurance fees for the whole current semester.

③  对退学留学生,已收学费一般不予退转。对情况特殊的中余退学留学生,经个人申请,学校留学生管理机构审批,可按实际学习和住宿时间,按月计收应交学费和住宿费,多余部分予以退还。实际学习和住宿时间的起始时点为开学日,截止时点为办理离校手续日,30天折算为1个月,不足30天的按1个月计算,一学年按10个月计算。已办理延长居留许可的,须自行到宁波市公安局出入境管理局办理学习居留许可注销手续后方可办理退费手续。

8.International students subject to academic expulsion shall not be granted refund. For student under special circumstances, he or she shall file necessary paperwork and reviewed by management board for permission for refund. Calculation for expense incurred shall starts on the 1st day of term to the day of leaving school, 30 days as one month, 10 months as one school year; if less than 30 days, it is counted as one month. Those who have obtained extension of Residence Permit for continuing their study must have the Residence Permit canceled at the Entry and Exit Administration Bureau of Ningbo Municipality before refunding of tuition fees.


The maximum length of study at Ningbo University of Technology for full-time international undergraduate students is two more years beyond the regular duration of study, including temporary suspension of schooling. Those who are unable to complete the required credits for graduation during the regular study duration and do not meet the standard of expelling process can apply for extension. Students with permission of extension should enter a class of the same major of the immediate lower grade, and should pay standard tuition fees for the extended years or semesters and must purchase medical insurance to cover the extended period.


No tuition fee will be refunded to those who drop out of school in any one the following situations:

a 一学期内缺课总时数超过学期总学时40%者。

Total hours of absence from class within a semester exceed 40% of total class hours required for the semester.

b 实施严重干扰和扰乱学校正常教学秩序、社会公共秩序者。

Disturbance of normal teaching order of Ningbo University of Technology or social public order.

c 触犯中国法律法规、违反宁波工程学院校纪校规者。

Violation of the laws or codes of China or the regulations of Ningbo University of Technology.

d 连续旷课两周者。

Absence from class for two consecutive weeks without permission.

5)住宿登记 / Accommodation Registration Process

学生每次入境后,需要在入境后规定时间内(24小时)申报本人住宿并领取《境外人员住宿登记凭证》, 否则将被中国法律处罚。

It is compulsory for foreigner students to register accommodation information and get “Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” within the specified time (twenty-four hours) after entering China. Otherwise, they will be punished by Chinese law.


●Students living off campus:

Take your original passport, one photocopy of your passport ID page, one photocopy of your current Visa/ Residence Permit, one photocopy of your latest China entry stamp, house leasing contract, one photocopy of the house owner’s ID and the house proprietary certificate to the local police station within 24 hours after entering China to process the “Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas”.


●Students living on Campus

Take the passport to the University’s International Student Affairs Office for scanning on the same day of checking in NBUT dormitory.


If the living address is changed, it is compulsory by Chinese Immigration law that the student must report the new address and apply for a new “Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” within 24 hours after the change.

6)保险购买及理赔 / Insurance purchase and claim settlement


According to the regulations of China’s Ministry of Education, it is compulsory for all international students who study in China’s universities to purchase comprehensive insurance from insurance companies legally operated in China and authorized by the University.


Whether you have insurance in any other country covering your stay in China or not,  it is compulsory that you purchase an insurance plan from a mainland China’s insurance company as long as you register at Ningbo University of Technology,.


Only after students have purchased an insurance plan will they be allowed to apply for the residence permit.

7)延长居留许可 / Residence Permit extension process

①  X1签证过期时间为入境日起的第30日。持X1签证入境的学生,务必于入境日起30天内完成居留许可申请,否则将被中国法律处罚。

X1 visa expires on the thirtieth day from the date of entering China. X1 visa holders must apply for Residence Permit within 30 days after entering China, or they will be punished by the Chinese law.


X1 visa holders must submit all application documents for Residence Permit extension to Ningbo University of Technology International Student Affairs Office within 10 days after entry into China.


Residence Permit holders must submit all application documents for Residence Permit extension to Ningbo University of Technology International Student Affairs Office within 45 days before Residence Permit expires.


Degree students who are unable to complete their studies within the prescribed time frame and wish to prolong their studies must submit application for extension six months before the time frame ends and apply for a new JW202 Form in order to extend the residence permit.


In order to apply for a residence permit, the passport should have a period of validity not less than 6 months. Otherwise, Residence Permit application will be rejected by the Immigration.


Application documents for Residence Permit are as follows:

X1签证入境者For X1 visa holders

a《外国人签证证件申请审批表》Visa/Residence Permit Application Form

b 两张二寸白底证件照Two 2-inch white background photos

c 《居留许可延长报告》(公函,由留学生办公室出具)The Official School Letter of Residence Permit Extension Report (provided by International Student Affairs Office)

d 护照资料页、目前所持签证页和最近一次的中国入境章复印件各一张Photocopies of the passport ID page,current visa, and the latest China entry stamp

e 健康证明(请自己保留复印件)Health Certificate (Please Keep a copy for yourself)

f 《境外人员住宿登记凭证》(校外住宿人员提供)Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners (students living on campus/ Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas (students living off campus)

g  JW202/JW201表(黄联)(由留学生办公室出具)Photocopy of the JW202/JW201 Form (yellow page) (provided by International Student Affairs Office).

h 录取通知书复印件Photocopy of the Admission Notice

居留许可持有者For Residence Permit holders

a 《外国人签证证件申请审批表》Visa/Residence Permit Application Form

b 两张二寸白底证件照Two 2-inch white background photos

c 《居留许可延长报告》(公函,由留学生办公室出具)The Official School Letter of Residence Permit Extension Report (provided by International Student Affairs Office)

d 护照资料页、目前所持签证页和最近一次的中国入境章复印件各一张Photocopies of the passport ID page,current visa, and the latest China entry stamp

e 《境外人员住宿登记凭证》(校外住宿人员提供)Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners (students living on campus/ Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas (students living off campus)

e JW202/JW201表(黄联)复印件(由留学生办公室出具)Photocopy of the JW202/JW201 Form (yellow page) (provided by International Student Affairs Office).

f 录取通知书复印件Photocopy of the Admission Notice


Only if you currently have a Residence Permit or hold an X1 visa may you apply for a  Residence Permit extension. If you currently hold any other visa such as X2, L, F, M, Z visa etc., you may not apply for a Residence Permit.

(二)学习篇/Study Guide

1)教材/ Textbooks


The Teaching Affairs Office of the faculty/ college/ school is in charge of the guidance for the purchase of textbooks. The International Student Affairs Office of NBUT is in charge of the purchase of language textbooks.



Comply with Ningbo University of Technology schooling discipline, respect the teachers, attend class on time; do not miss classes without request for leave, do not be late for class, do not leave class before it is over. Complete teachers’ assignments on time.

3)考核/ Examination


Students who cannot attend the final exams for a certain reasons, such as illness, are required to get the “Make-up Exam Application Form” from the faculty/ college/ school or the University’s International Student Affairs Office before the exam starts. Students can attend the make-up exam at the beginning of next semester after getting the approval from the course teacher as well as the Teaching Affairs Office .


Students who cheat or break the rules in a course exam are not allowed to attend the make-up exams of the involved course.


Before the final exam, every course teacher should announce the students’ regular grades of the course. If you have any question or objection, please ask the teacher..


Students can check their courses’ grades online in the Teaching Management System one week after the final exams.


Students who have any question or doubt about their grades can apply for a double-check to the faculty/ college/ school.

需要打印本人成 绩单者,需到所在学院教务办办理。

Students who need to print their official transcripts can go to the Teaching Affairs Office of the faculty/ college/ school

4)汉语水平(HSK)考试/ Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)

①  HSK是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,重点考查汉语非第一语言的考生在生活、学习和工作中运用汉语进行交际的能力。HSK包括HSK(一级)、HSK(二级)、HSK(三级)、HSK(四级)、HSK(五级)和HSK(六级)。

HSK is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK (level I), HSK (level II), HSK (level III), HSK (level IV), HSK (level V), and HSK (level VI).


Chinese Proficiency Test website:

()、课余活动及学生社团篇/Students’ Associations and Extracurricular Activities

1)课余活动/Extracurricular Activities


Sports facilities such as basketball courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, a swimming pool are open to all students, though a fee may be charged for some of them. You should not disturb others’ study and rest while taking sports and exercises and should use the facilities and equipment appropriately.


Some activities are also sponsored by the International Student Affairs Office, International Exchange College and other faculties/ colleges/ schools. Pay close attention to such the relevant notices and you are welcome to participate.

2)社团/ Student associations


Ningbo University of Technology offers a wide range of extracurricular activities to ensure a thriving campus life. There is an enthusiastic Student Union and a number of student associations, which enroll new members in September every year via on-campus posters and have a busy calendar of social, sporting and cultural activities, in which all international students and Chinese students are welcome to take part based on your own interest.



According to Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners effective as of Sept.1, 2013, when a foreigner holding a residence permit for study needs to take a part-time job/ internship off campus, he or she shall, upon the approval of the the University, shall apply to the administrative institution of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners of the local Public Security Bureau for having such information as the location and duration of the part-time work or internship placement specified in his or her residence permit. Otherwise, any International Student coming for internship or holding a residence permit for study shall not take any off-campus work or internship.

(四)安全常识篇/Security Regulations and Advice


严格遵守交通规章制度,不准酒后骑车驾车,不准驾驶摩托车、 燃油助动车和大功率电瓶车,不准骑车带人,不准超速行驶。乘坐出租车一定要选择正规出租车公司的出租车,并索取发票。不要打黑车

Traffic safety: Comply strictly with the traffic rules and regulations.No drunken biking or driving is allowed. No driving of motorcycles, fuel-powered motorbikes and high-powered battery bikes. No carrying of others while biking. No speeding. When taking taxis, take only legal ones and remember to ask for a receipt.



Prevention from fire: In school dormitories, the storage or use of forbidden appliances is strictly prohibited. No hazardous articles are to be taken into the dormitories and stored. Electric wires shall not be extended and connected arbitrarily without permission. The use of fuel gas is strictly prohibited. Students dwelling off campus are strongly advised to use the electricity and gas safely. Do not set off fireworks and firecrackers or barbecue food on campus or in the dormitory.


妥善保管好个人财物,应将多余的现金存入银行,银行账户密码不要告诉他人,贵重物品不要随意存放在教室、图书馆等公共场所。不准擅自留宿他人, 离开房间要锁好门、关好窗,不要轻易将房间钥匙交给他人,以免被盗配。在外购物、乘坐交通工具时妥善保管好证件、钱包和贵重物品,不单独去偏僻的地方,。

Keep your personal belongings safe. Deposit unnecessary cash in a bank; do not tell others about your bank account number or password. Do not leave your valuables carelessly in the public places like classrooms and libraries. Having visitors stay over night is not allowed. Secure doors and windows when leaving your room; do not casually give anyone else your room key in case of unauthorized duplication. Properly keep credentials, money and valuables safe when shopping outside or taking a public transportation. Do not go to an out-of-the-way place alone.



Dietetic hygiene: Do not buy beverage and food from a stand that does not have a hygienic license. Have food washed clean and adequately cooked when cooking by yourself.



No alcoholism: Do not have excessive drinking in dormitory or go out for drinking late at night.



Smoking control: Smoking in public places like classrooms, dining halls, elevators and dormitory is strictly prohibited.



Prevention of infectious diseases like a flu: Please go to a hospital for treatment and inform the teacher responsible for your class as soon as symptoms like cold and fever appear.



Protection against natural disasters: Pay attention to self-protection measures and ensure personal safety in case of disastrous weather like lightning stroke and rainstorm.



Prevention of psychological diseases: Build up a mental health consciousness, enhance psychological adaptability, and go timely to a hospital or a psychological consultant on campus for help in the event of psychological perplexity.



Avoidance of quarrel or fight: Make your dormitory a quiet and clean place. Do not speak loudly. Do not play sound equipment in high volume. Retain self-control when coming into conflict with others. Ask relevant management personnel to mediate and settle the dispute instead of having it on your own way. Gambling, excessive drinking, fight and other behaviors that disturb the teaching learning, and research of the University or the normal life of the faculty and other students are strictly prohibited.


In case of emergency, please remain self-possessed and contact the department of public security as well as teachers in time.



Dormitory students should comply with the “Regulation on Management of International Student Dormitories”, cooperate with the University, Security Ofice, and Dorm Management Center for safety administration and education. Preserve dorm safety, strengthen security awareness and legal sense, and prevent any misconduct detrimental to the dorm safety.


When dwelling off campus, they shall comply with relevant regulations of the administrative institutions of the dwelling place, make no negative influence on the life of neighborhood, pay attention to traffic security, public security, fire safety, personal security, property safety, as well as water, electricity and gas usage safety.


Utilization of your dormitory or rented house for activities against laws and University regulations is strictly prohibited.



Take good care of the personal belongings including the wallet and credentials (i.e. passport, Residence Permit, student ID, etc.) when going out, especially in crowded places like shops and on buses. In case anything important is lost or stolen, report the  to the local police station as soon as possible.


Ask the driver for a receipt and keep it when taking a taxi in case of reclaiming anything left in the taxi. Ask the shop assistant for a receipt and keep it when purchasing a high-price article from a shop so that the article may be returned or changed in case there is quality problem.


Swimming in unsafe places like rivers, lakes and reservoirs is strictly prohibited. Do not travel to any places of sinister natural conditions.


In case of emergency, call 110 for the police or 120 for the ambulance.

三、宁波工程学院来华留学生住宿管理规定 NBUT Dormitory Management System for International Students

(一)校内住宿须知/Regulations on Dormitory Management


Dormitory students must provide a photocopy of passport, JW202 form, Admission Notice before check-in, sign the accommodation contract and pay the corresponding accommodation fees, including water and electricity fee and dormitory deposit.


Dwelling students should strengthen the consciousness of dormitory security, comply with Chinese Law and Regulations, and improve the abilities of self-protection, self-management and self-rescue. Dormitory students who find fire or hear fire alarm should take timely action like calling the police and evacuating from the site. Those who find a criminal or public security case on campus shall help keep the scene intact, contact the Security Office and the dormitory management immediately, and provide necessary assistance.


In principle, dormitories for International Students do not provide rooms for the students’  spouse, children or other family members.


No change of room/ bed within dormitory is allowed without the approval, unless there happen problems affecting normal accommodation.


In case of long-term leave, you should inform the doorkeeper of the dormitory and teachers in charge, take your personal valuables along and cut off the power before leaving. Please report to the Duty Room and Security Office on any suspicious people like retailers door-to-door selling.


Dormitory students should not have other people stay in the dormitory over night. Otherwise any loss thus incurred of private or public property in the dormitory or physical injury of other dwellers, the students will have to bear legal and compensation liabilities.


Students must pay attention to the safe use of electricity. Electrical appliances equipped in dormitories cannot be repaired or dismantled by the dweller without permission. In the dormitories, the storage or use of forbidden electrical appliances like electric cookers, electric heaters, TV sets, refrigerators, rice cookers, electric kettles, irons or those liable to cause fire such as electric blankets are prohibited. No open-flame utensils shall be used. Storage of flammable, combustible or toxic articles and other dangerous articles are prohibited. Smoking is prohibited indoors.


Dormitory students must be anti-theft conscious and take good care of their personal articles; they shall not store valuables and large amounts of cash in dormitory; they shall neither lend their dormitory keys to others nor change their door locks or fix an additional lock without permission. They must inform the dormitory management immediately if their key is lost. If the lock is broken, they must report for repair in time.


Dormitory students should comply with the regulation of guest reception and dormitory security rules. Teachers and visitors to the apartment are required to provide their identities and register first, and meeting can  take place only in public lounges. Those who need to enter dorms shall leave their ID cards at doorkeeper’s before entry. All visitors must leave the dormitory before 10:00 pm. No bestowing is allowed.


Preserve public sanitation and help create clean, tidy and orderly dwelling environment. No scrawling or nail-driving on the wall. No keeping pets. No littering. No throwing out of the window. Keep the dorms clean. Keep the corridors clean always, and put dangerous wastes into designated storage site. Take good care of the greens around the dormitory.


Business-related or religious activities are prohibited in student dormitories. No individuals or organizations shall hold profit-making or fee-collecting activities such as pyramid selling in student dormitories. Students who need to conduct non-business operations for publicity may hang posters or make other arrangements in designated areas with approval of the dormitory management.


Breakage, dismantling or refitting of equipment and electrical lines in the dormitory  is prohibited. Take good care of fire-fighting apparatuses. Private use, destruction, of public fire-fighting facilities (such as fire fighting apparatuses, safety exit lights, fire doors, etc.) is prohibited.Students must make proper use of water/electricity facilities, doors, windows, furniture and a variety of other facilities and equipment in their living/ sitting rooms, kitchens, laundry rooms and reading rooms, such as access control systems and monitoring devices.


Furniture for individual use in the dormitory shall be kept properly by the individual users. Shared furniture shall be taken care of jointly by the users. Without approval of the dormitory management, no articles furnished by the University shall be lent to others, and no self-provided furniture or furniture from other places shall be moved in and used in the dormitory. Without the management’s approval, no furniture, facilities or equipment in the dormitory can be dismantled, displaced, or discarded.


Students who find any facility or equipment in the dormitory damaged or lost shall report to the dormitory’s Duty Room for repair or replacement. For artificial and intentional damage, full compensation shall be made by the responsible students, who must bear the cost for repair or replacement.


Dormitory students shall cooperate with the dormitory management and follow the University’s arrangement in case of necessary room and location adjustment.


The International Student Affairs Office, Security Office, and Dorm Management Center will inspect the dorms from time to time. Discipline violators or incorrigible offenders would be given a penalty by the University depending on the severity of their offense.


Students who are to withdraw from dormitory must go through the withdrawal formalities with the dormitory management, settle utility bills and there must prove no financial damage to the room before lodging a deposit refund. For any damages, compensation of equal estimated market price shall be made by the responsible students.


For those who have already paid accommodation fee by the year and withdraw ahead of time for reasons like graduation, course completion, dropping out, expulsion, suspension, transferring to another school or leaving China, refund will be granted for the remaining months (not including the month when the request for the withdraw is submitted).


For those who have already paid accommodation fee by the month and withdraw ahead of time, refund will be granted for the remaining days (not including the day when the request for the withdraw is submitted).


For those in internship, the treatment remains the same as normal dwelling students on campus and therefore no withdrawal will be granted.


Students who have withdrawal formalities settled must remove all their personal articles out of their dormitory within 3 days starting from the date on which the withdrawal formalities are completed, and return the room keys. Those who do not move out within the specified time limit without valid reasons will be deemed as stay-in default and their belongs will be moved out by force in accordance with rules and regulations of the University.


In the event that a discipline violation takes place in a dormitory, those involved will be subject to relevant disciplinary sanction in accordance with the Rules of Ningbo University of Technology on the Treatment of Student Disciplinary Violations. And in serious cases, they shall take related economic and legal responsibilities.


Dormitory management reserves the right to cancel the dwelling eligibility of those students who violate the contract provisions or the dormitory dwelling rules and refuse to rectify their behaviors despite of repeated admonition. In order to regain the eligibility, the students must make a pledge to comply with the dwelling rules and the provisions of the contract, and then restart the dwelling formalities with approval of the dormitory management.

(二)校外住宿须知/ Notice on Management of Off-campus Dwelling

1)来华留学生一般应在学校留学生公寓、宿舍内住宿,确需住宿校外者须获得留学生办公室批准,并按照公安出入境管理部门的规定在入住24小时内向住宿地所在派出所申报住宿, 并向留学生办公室提交如下材料:

International students are normally expected to dwell in a dormitory of the University. Those who do need to dwell off campus must get approval from the International Student Affairs Office, go through the registration formalities with the local police station in the places of residence within 24 hours after arrival in accordance with the regulations of the administrative institutions of Entry and Exit Administration of the Public Security, and then submit the following documents to International Student Affairs Office:


“Application Form for Off-campus Dwelling of International Students at Ningbo University of Technology” with approval signature and seal of the faculty/ college/ school


“Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” from the local police station in the place of residence


The following preparations need to be made in advance for the approval of off-campus dwelling:


International students who lease a private living place shall ask the owner to present a “Public Security License” and sign a lease contract with the owner.


International students who dwell in a guest house, hotel or leased apartment shall provide a relevant certificate specifying the dwelling period from the place you reside.


For international students who lodge at their relative’s or friend’s places:

a 须提供担保人(借住地住户)的身份证件及与被担保人的关系证明;

Relevant information about their relative or friend must be provided, including his/her name, address, relationship with the student and valid credentials.

b 担保人须与被担保人签署书面担保书,并承诺:

The relative or friend must sign a written letter of guarantee with the student and agree with the following items:

i 同意被担保人住宿其处;

To have the student dwell at his/her place;

ii 愿意承担相应的法律责任。

To willingly bear relevant legal liabilities.


Procedures of off-campus dwelling registration:


Procedures for current on-campus students moving into off-campus accommodation

向留学生办公室递交申请材料获批后与具备向外籍人员租房的房东签订租赁合同入住24小时内至房屋所在派出所申报登记并办理《境外人员住宿登记凭证/Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas向留学生办公室递交派出所签发的《境外人员住宿登记凭证/Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas》复印件签署留学生办公室校外住宿免责书、校外住宿自行承担相关责任书到留学生公寓、宿舍总台办理退宿手续

I The students must, first of all, submit an “Application Form for Off-campus Dwelling of International Students at Ningbo University of Technology” to the International Student Affairs Office and provide relevant documents, such as lease contract, for verification. They must not start dwelling off campus before obtaining the approval from the International Student Affairs Office.

II After approval of the International Student Affairs Office and within 24 hours after move-in, they shall sign a lease contract with the house owner and must go to the local police station in the dwelling area for a residence registration and Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas.

III After the police station formalities, the students shall come back to International Student Affairs Office to have their new contact information, such as domicile telephone or cell phone number recorded, and present the“Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” issued by the police station.

IV The students shall sign Liability Disclaimer and Acceptance for dwelling off campus.

Note: International students who change their off-campus dwelling places must go through the aforesaid procedures once again.


Procedures of off-campus dwelling registration for NEW students:

向留学生办公室递交申请材料获批后与具备向外籍人员租房的房东签订租赁合同入住24小时内至房屋所在派出所申报登记并办理《境外人员住宿登记凭证/Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas向留学生办公室递交派出所签发的《境外人员住宿登记凭证/Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas》复印件签署留学生办公室校外住宿免责书、校外住宿自行承担相关责任书校外住宿

I New students must, first of all, submit an “Application Form for Off-campus Dwelling of International Students at Ningbo University of Technology” to the International Student Affairs Office and provide relevant documents, such as lease contract, for verification.

II After approval of the International Student Affairs Office and within 24 hours after move-in, they shall sign a lease contract with the house owner and must go to the local police station in the dwelling area for a residence registration and Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas.

III After the police station formalities, the students shall come back to International Student Affairs Office to have their new contact information, such as domicile telephone or cell phone number recorded, and present the“Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” issued by the police station.

IV. The students shall sign Liability Disclaimer and Acceptance for dwelling off campus..

Note: International students who change their off-campus dwelling places must go through the aforesaid procedures once again.


When dwelling off campus, international students must pay attention to personal and property security; they must not use rule-breaking electric appliances or drive a motorcycle in violation of regulations. In case of running into suspicious persons or emergency, students should contact public security departments immediately.


Off-campus dwellers should strictly comply with Chinese laws and regulations and must not engage in any activities endangering China’s national security.


International Student Affairs Office will work with public security departments at irregular intervals and visit students’ dwellings off campus. International students should cooperate and offer assistance needed with no rejection or decline.


Students dwelling off campus should, in case of emergency, contact the public security department at 110”,“119”or“120” immediately and facilitate the cooperation in the investigation and efforts for the solution.

四、宁波工程学院来华留学生请假规定 Ask-for-leave System of Ningbo University of Technology


It is prohibited to ask for leave from class without proper reason. If you do need leave from classes, you must follow these steps:


If you have to leave class due to illness or personal matters for

① 3 days or less: fill in a “Leave Application Form” and make sure it is authorized by your faculty/ college/ school and inform the International Student Affairs office.

② 4 days or more: fill in a “Leave Application Form” authorized by your faculty/ college/ school attached with hospital certification or the electric version of your air ticket, and inform the International Student Affairs office.


You should leave and return according to the date authorized on your “Leave Application Form” and report to the faculty/ college/ school on time. If you need to extend your leave, contact your faculty/ college/ school and go through the required formalities in a written form.


It is prohibited to leave more than 1 month within 1 semester for personal matters.

五、宁波工程学院来华留学生宗教行为守则 Code of International Students’ Religious Activities of Ningbo University of Technology


This Code is formulated in accordance with the Provisions on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners in the People's Republic of China, in light of the actual situation of foreign students on campus.



Ningbo University of Technology respects students' religions and beliefs, but does not provide places for religious ceremonies; religious missionary work or gatherings on campus is strictly prohibited;


International students are allowed attend religion activities in legally registered temples, mosques and churches in Ningbo;


It is prohibited for international students to establish any religious organization, office or activity place, or set up religious schools and organize religious training courses within the territory of China;


It is prohibited for international students to nominate religious workers and recruit religious members among Chinese citizens;


It is prohibited for international students to sermon, preach or organize religious activities in any place without permission;


It is prohibited for international students to make or sell religious stuffs including books, audio/visual products and electronic publications;


It is prohibited for international students to spread religious propaganda materials.

六、宁波工程学院来华留学生交通行为守则 International Students’ Traffic Behavior Management System of Ningbo University of Technology


NBUT imposes traffic control on E-bikes and motorcycles on campus. The riders are required to register their vehicles at Ningbo University of Technology International Student Affairs Office for campus entry permit.


Riders of E-bikes and motorcycles with no legal license or plate shall dispose of their vehicles by themselves, otherwise the vehicles shall be confiscated.


Riders of licensed E-bikes and motorcycles shall present the entry permits on entering and leaving the campus.


The speed limit of E-bikes and motorcycles on campus is 20km/h. No speeding or carrying other people.


Driving fuel motorcycles or E-bikes illegally is prohibited on campus. E-bikes must be registered at Ningbo Municipal Traffic Administration Office. Any motorcycle with its plate number initiated not by“B” are deemed illegal. Driving after drinking, driving a motorcycle with no helmet on, speeding, driving with high-volume noise , and driving without a valid license are all illegal and strictly prohibited.

八、宁波工程学院来华留学生违纪处分规定Code of Student Discipline: Regulations for the Management of International Students in Areas of Misconduct


In case of violation of the rules and regulations of the University, the student shall be punished in accordance with the Regulations on Student Disciplinary Punishment of Ningbo University of Technology. The student who violates the laws and regulations of China shall be transferred to relevant authorities for handling. Details are as follows:

(一)总则 General Rules


Based on our University’s actual situation, the rules are formulated in the spirit of Higher Education Law of People’s Republic of China, Student Administration in Common Tertiary Schools and Students’ Code of Conduct in Tertiary Schools with the purpose of maintaining the orderly teaching, scientific research and school life, developing civilized school ethos, and optimizing the educational environment.


The rules are applicable to all full-time students who have been formally admitted to the University.


Students who have discipline violation in activities like teaching internship, investigation, social practice, secondment for getting experience shall be handled by reference to the rules.


The University should ensure that the procedure is proper, the evidence sufficient, the reason explicit, the definition precise, and the disposal suitable when giving punishment to students.

(二)处分种类及适用范围 Punishment Types and Application Sphere


Punishments of discipline violation can be categorized into warning, serious warning, demerit recording, disciplinary probation and school expulsion.


The duration of disciplinary probation is usually one year. The student who has shown true repentance or made progress will be removed from probation after the expiry of the validity and the one who has made obvious progress can receive probation termination ahead of time. However, the one who refuses to correct themselves or violate discipline again shall be expelled from school.


The student who disturbs and disrupts the order, stability and unity of society and campus shall be punished as follows in light of specific circumstances:


The student who assembles and demonstrates in an illegal way shall be given a punishment of demerit recording or disciplinary probation, and the organizer shall be expelled from school;


The student who boycotts classes and exams without justified reason shall be given a demerit recording and the student who plans, organizes and initiates the boycott shall be given a disciplinary probation;


The student who associates illegally, gangs up or publishes and sends forth prohibited publications shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit recording according to the situation;


The student who puts up posters and tabloids, spreads online messages with anti-social information or distributes leaflets, fabricates rumor, shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion according to the situation;


The student who engages in pyramid sales, illegal religious superstition and cult activities shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit recording. In addition, The student shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation and school expulsion in serious cases;


The student punished by judiciary authorities because of violating the state laws, rules and regulations shall receive punishment as follows according to the situation;


The student who receives reeducation through labor or criminal punishment shall be expelled from school;


The student who has delinquencies but is exempted from criminal punishment shall be given a disciplinary probation;


The student who has been detained by the police shall be given a punishment of demerit recording or disciplinary probation.


The student who takes and trades drugs shall be given the punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion.


The student who steals, damages public and private properties shall be punished as follows in addition to bearing the corresponding legal responsibilities:


The student who steals properties with a value below 500 yuan, between 500 yuan and 2000 yuan, and over 2000 yuan shall be given a punishment of demerit recording, disciplinary probation and school expulsion, respectively;


The student who damages public and private properties intentionally shall be given serious warning. The one who causes bad damages shall be given disciplinary probation;


The student who knows dirt is still buying, harbouring or sales shall be given serious warning. The one who causes bad damages shall be given disciplinary probation.


Disturbing public order by utilizing the Internet:


The student who embezzles other people’s IP address, internet account and password shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit


The student who spreads false and harmful information affecting social stability and disturbing the social order on the Internet shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit recording;


The student who cancels, deletes, modifies, add and interferes with network function to make the network function improperly shall be given a disciplinary probation;


The student who spreads information endangering national security and disrupting social order shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion;


The student who makes and spreads any computer virus deliberately shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion in serious cases;


The student who divulges national secrets through using the Internet shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion.


The student who causes trouble, fights and brawls shall be punished as follows according to the situation in addition to compensating for the economic losses, bearing medical expenses and other necessary fees:


Students who assaults others or joins melee with no one injured shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit recording; The student who injures others shall be given a disciplinary probation and the one who causes serious injuries shall be expelled from school;


The student who has gang fights or colludes with people outside campus to fight shall be given a punishment of demerit recording or disciplinary probation depending on the situation and the organizer shall be expelled from school;


The student who engages in armed fights or provides lethal weapons for others to fight shall be given a demerit recording if there is no one injured and The student who causes injuries shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion depending on the situation;


The student who plots, initiates and instigates fights shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit recording and the one who causes serious consequences shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion;


The student biased towards one side in a fight to make matters worse in the name of quarrel ling mediation shall be given a serious warning;


Students who hampers the investigation and handling of the matter concerned by offering perjury deliberately shall be given a demerit recording.


The student who engages in gambling or disguised gambling shall be given punishments as follows according to the situation:


The student who offers gambling paraphernalia or gambling place and encourage gambling shall be given a demerit recording besides expropriating the gambling paraphernalia and gambling money.


The student who engages in gambling as a leader for the first time shall be given a demerit recording and the common participants shall be given a serious warning.


The frequent offenders bringing about adverse influences shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion according to the situation.


The student who looks on gambling without reporting to the University shall be educated by criticism.


Students who watches pornographic audio-visual products, reads pornographic books and browses pornographic web pages shall be given a serious warning and the one who refuses to make correction after education shall be given a demerit recording. Likewise, The student who disseminates, makes and sells pornographic materials shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation or school expulsion according to the situation.


The student who destroys the civilization construction of campus, disturbs the normal school and social order and affects study, work and life of others shall be given the following punishments respectively in light of different situations:


The student who violates relevant provisions of student accommodation management, interferes with others’ study, rests and stays out all night for no reason shall be given a punishment of warning or serious warning according to the situation;


The student who uses electrical appliances and open fire not abiding by the regulations shall be given a warning in case of no fire disaster. The student who causes a fire disaster shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit recording apart from full compensation for the losses and if there are serious damages and losses, the student involved shall be given a punishment of disciplinary probation and school expulsion;


The student who hinders school personnel to carry out the official duties because of troublesome behaviors shall be given a serious warning;


The student who has campus order-affecting behaviors like shouting, booing and smashing things shall be given a punishment of serious warning or demerit recording;


The student who brings items prohibited by the state laws and regulations into campus or takes school belongings out of campus in violation of school regulations shall be given a warning;


The student who smokes and drinks on campus and continues to do the same after dissuasion shall be given a warning;


The student who engages in business activities for the purpose of profit gaining shall be given a warning;


The student who conceals, destroys or opens other people’s emails without permission and deliberately expose others’ privacy shall be given a serious warning;


The student who provokes dissension, creates discord, abuses and intimidates others shall be given a warning if he or she does not listen to dissuasion and the one who causes bad consequences shall be given a serious warning. The student who slanders and frames others shall be given a serious warning if there isn’t any consequence; the one shall be given a punishment of demerit recording and disciplinary probation if there appear consequences;


The student who counterfeits, alters, falsely claims and uses, under-leases certificates, or carves an official seal without authorization shall be given a serious warning if adverse consequences arise. The student who harms the interest of the University and others in the name of school and others shall be given a punishment of demerit recording or disciplinary probation; the student shall be expelled from school in serious cases of the harm.


The absence periods within one semester amount to:

① 10-19学时的,给予警告处分;

The student who has 10-19 absence periods shall be given a warning;

② 20-29学时的,给予严重警告处分;

The student who has 20-29 absence periods shall be given a serious warning;

③ 30-39学时的,给予记过处分;

The student who has 30-39 absence periods shall be given a demerit recording;

④ 40-49学时的,给予留校察看处分;

The student who has 40-49 absence periods shall be given a disciplinary probation;

⑤ 50学时以上,经教育不改的,给予开除学籍处分;

The student who has more than 50 absence periods shall be expelled from school after education in vain.


The student who violates the exam disciplines and cheats on exams shall be given punishments as follows according to the situation:


The student who violates the exam disciplines shall be given a warning;


The student who violates the exam disciplines more than twice during school days shall be given a demerit recording;


The student who cheats on exam shall be given a disciplinary probation;


The student who has one discipline violation plus one cheating on exam during school days shall be expelled from school;


The student who takes the exam for another person, or the student who asks another person to take the exam for him or her, or the student sho organizes cheating on exam, uses communication device to cheat and have other serious cheating behaviors shall be expelled from school.


The student who deceives (such as falsifying data and operation program), plagiarizes others’ research results during scientific research, or thesis and report writing shall be given a disciplinary probation or even be expelled from school in serious cases.


The student who releases information on taking exams or writing theses for other people, or on trading thesis and homework, or behaves in a way disturbing teaching order and undermining school and learning ethos shall be given a serious warning.


The student who violates the moral code of conduct of citizens and code of conduct of university students shall be given punishments as follows according to the situation:


The student who molests, insults or seriously harasses others somehow shall be given a punishment of demerit recording and disciplinary probation;


The student who engages in prostitution and whoring shall be expelled from school;


The student who accommodates anyone of opposite sex in dormitory or stays overnight in the dormitory of opposite sex shall be given a disciplinary probation. The student who rents a dwelling place outside the campus without official approval and does not make correction after dissuasion shall be given a demerit recording and bear all responsibility arising from it.


The student who has improper sex behavior or undermines others’ family life and marriage shall be given a punishment of demerit recording or disciplinary probation if any adverse consequence appears.


The student who has any of the following situations can be given a light punishment when the consequence is minor:


actively admitting the mistake and promptly correcting them;


actively exposing others’ disciplinary offenses and giving active assistance with the University’s investigation;


Other situations in which a light punishment should be given.


The student who has any of the following situations can be given a heavy punishment:


The student is the head and organizer of the discipline violation;


The student who refuses to admit their discipline violations and does not cooperate with the University in investigation;


The student who threatens, retaliates the offense reporter and witness;


The student who has been given one punishment during stay at the University or has violated school discipline twice within one year. The student who violates discipline more than three times can be expelled from school after repeated education in vain;


The student who causes particularly severe circumstances and consequences;


Other circumstances in which a heavy punishment should be given.


The University will withdraw the punished student’s the scholarship and the qualification of any advancement assessment for one year from the date of punishment.


The student expelled from school will receive a schooling certificate from the University. The student should leave school within seven work days after receiving the disciplinary punishment decision and the student’s archives, as well as household registration, will be sent back to the place of his or her domicile.

(三)处分程序 Punishment Procedures


he University’s colleges shall handle such matters as collection of evidence, suggestions on disciplinary punishment decision and relevant data sorting; the Student Affairs Office is responsible for examining the materials. The materials include statements and self-criticism letter of discipline violator, statement with sufferer’s signature, reporting documents, testimony with witness’s signature and other materials in relation to discipline violation.


The Student Affairs Office is responsible for checking and delivering the punishment of demerit recording and lighter ones collectively decided by the college leaders and signed by the college leader in charge. And the Students Affairs Office will coordinate and handle the disciplinary incidents involving students from different colleges.


The college shall, for punishment of disciplinary probation and school expulsion, a written application and original materials to the Student Affairs Office for suggestions to be approved and announced by the University leadership.School expulsion is decided by the Presidential Administrative Conference, and reported to the provincial education department for filing.


The University must notify the student and listens the statement and argument of the student or the student’s agent before giving the punishment.


The punishment decision is directly sent to the student by the college and then signed by the student. The punishment decision is still valid for the student who refuses to sign and is put on record by the sender. The decision document which cannot be sent directly to the student should be mailed to him or her by reference to Certain Regulations of Supreme People’s Court on Mailing Civil Litigation Document by Way of Court Express.

(四)申诉程序 Complaining Procedures


The student can file a written complaint of their objection to the punishment decision to the Student Complaint Handling Committee within five work days from the date of receiving the University’s punishment decision. The Student Complaint Handling Committee shall make a review conclusion on the student’s complaint and notify the complainant within fifteen days from the date of receiving the written complaint. Student Complaint Handling Committee shall submit the original punishment decision that needs alteration to the University for re-consideration. For one punishment decision the student can request one chance of reconsideration.


The student can file a written complaint oft their objection to the decision of reconsideration to the provincial educational department within fifteen work days from the date of receiving the decision.


The punishment decision takes effect from the date of delivering the decision of punishment or reconsideration if the student does not file a written complaint within the complaint deadline, and no complaint shall be handled the from.

(五)附则 Supplementary Articles


The rules take effect from Sept. 1, 2016 and the previous rules are automatically invalidated.


The Student Affairs Office is responsible for interpretation of the rules.


The rules also applies to international language students and exchange students as reference .

九、宁波工程学院学生申诉处理暂行办法Interim Rules for Handling Complaints of Students in Ningbo University of Technology


Students who disagree with the admission disqualification, school expulsion or other disciplinary punishment shall be treated in accordance with the Interim Rules for Handling Complaints of Students in Ningbo University of Technology. Details are as follows:

(一)总则 General Rules


Based on the actual situations of the University, the rules are formulated according to Education Law of People’s Republic of China, Student Management Regulations in Common Tertiary Schools and Disciplinary Regulations of Ningbo University of Technology for the purpose of protecting students’ legitimate rights and interest,and promoting school management by law.


The rules are applicable to all full-time students who have been formally admitted to the University.


Students can file complaints of their objections to cancellation of academic qualifications, dropout disposal and punishment for rule and discipline violation by the University.

(二)申诉处理组织机构 Complaint Handling Institution


The Student Complaint Handling Committee (short for CHC) is set up by the University to receive complaints from students.


CHC is generally composed of nine members. The members are responsible staff from relevant functional departments like school leaders, the Student Affairs officials, the legal counseling representatives, the Teaching Affairs officials, security officials, the Communist Youth League leaders, as well as teacher and student representatives. CHC has its office set up in the Student Affairs Office.


The responsibility of CHC:


accepting students’ complaints;


reviewing students’ complaints;


making reviewing conclusions and suggestions on complaint handling.

(三)申诉处理工作程序 Procedures of Complaint Handling


Complaint handling procedures consist of steps of complaint lodging, accepting, reviewing and conclusion making in succession.


Students can lodge a written complaint of their objections to punishment decisions to CHC within five work days from the date of accepting the decision. The written complaint shall be directly sent to the office of CHC with reasons and requirements clearly stated.


Conditions for accepting complaints:


Complaint petition must be made within the stipulated time;


Complaint petition must be presented in a written form by the complainant or his/ her agent;


Complaint petition must specify the facts, reasons and opinions for complaint ;


Complaint petition must be sent to the office of CHC within the stipulated time.


The CHC office shall handle the complaints as follows according to different situations after accepting the complaint petition and examining the complainant’s qualifications and complaint conditions:


Accept and register complaints meeting the requirements;


Make a reply of rejecting complaints not meeting the requirements.


CHC will review the accepted complaints, make a review conclusion and notify the complainant after a thorough investigation and verification within fifteen work days from the date of accepting the written complaint. CHC shall submit the needed alteration of the decision to the University for reconsideration and re-decision.


Generally, complaints shall be handled openly at the presence of the complainant and the representative of his or her college. If the complainant wants a non-open handling, CHC should respect the privacy, and the pinions of CHC members as well as the basic information of the complainant should be kept strictly confidential.


The reconsideration decision made by CHC takes effect only if more than two thirds of the members are present at the meeting and more than two thirds of those who are actually present agree to the decision.


The complaint review conclusion on alteration and revocation of punishment of demerit recording and lighter ones is decided by CHC and reissued by the University’s relevant department. For alteration and revocation of disciplinary probation, CHC shall provide suggestions to school leaders in charge for checking and decision. Alteration and revocation of original punishment decision of school expulsion, cancellation of admission qualification and dropout disposal shall be submitted by CHC to the Presidential Administrative Conference for review and decision.


The CHC office shall notify the complainant and the original decision-making institution of the complaint review conclusion.


The student who has objection to the review decision can make a written complaint to the provincial educational department within fifteen work days from the date of receiving the University’s review decision.


The original punishment decision remains effective during complaint and handling period.


The student can revoke the complaint before the complaint decision is made. It is necessary to present the complaint revocation request in a written form and CHC can stop the work on receiving the revocation request.

(四)附则 Supplementary Article


The rules take effect from Sept. 1, 2005 with the right of interpretation in the hands of CHC.


The rules also applies to international language students and exchange students as reference .

十、宁波工程学院关于学生违犯考场纪律与考试作弊的界定和处理办法Definitions and Punishments of Student’s Violation of Disciplines and Cheating on Exams in Ningbo University of Technology


The definition and handling of international students’ violation of disciplines and cheating on exams shall refer to Definitions and Punishments of Student’s Violation of Disciplines and Cheating on Exams in Ningbo University of Technology. Details are as follows:


Definitions of student’s violation of disciplines and cheating on exams


The student who behaves in the following ways on exams shall be punished as a discipline violator:


carries the unspecified items into the exam room or does not put them on the area as required;


takes the exam without taking assigned seat and disobeys the instructions of the examiners;


leaves the exam room without authorization of the examiners during the exam;


does not hand in the paper on time or does not leave the exam room after handing in the paper;


talks about exam contents, makes noises, smokes or does anything affecting the exam order;


peeks at neighboring paper, whispers to each other or shows obvious tendency to cheat;


disobeys supervision and advice of the examiners;


takes the exam paper and answer paper(including the answer sheet) out of the exam room;


uses the unspecified pen or answer sheet, writes name and examinee’s number outside of the specified answer area or marks anything on the answer paper;


has some behaviors regarded as violating the exam rules but not constituting an act of cheating;


The students who has the following cases at exam shall be punished as a cheater on exams:


carries written materials or electronic device containing information relevant for the exam;


takes the exam with forging documents, certificates or other materials;


characters, formulas, symbols relevant for exam are found around the examinee’s table and chair, on the examinee’s stationery or inside the examinee’s clothes (whether found or not at exam);


continues to do the same after being warned by the examiners more than once because of peeking at the neighbor’s paper, whispering to each other;


passes notes, steals data and information relevant to the exam and sends each other exam answers or answer methods in a any ways;


uses any communication device during the exam;


takes the exam under another person’s name or pays another person to take the exam;


fills in on the answer paper the name, examinee’s  number inconsistent with the exam-taker;


asks for answers from others, hints others or offers others answers when handing in the paper;


papers on one same subject of more than two exam-takers in one exam room are found identical during grading process;


The ways of punishment of exam discipline violators and cheaters:


The student who violates the exam discipline shall be given a disciplinary warning or a punishment weightier than that.


The student who has disciplinary offenses more than twice (including twice) shall receive zero mark for the latter exam courses, receive a punishment of demerit recording or weightier than that, and shall not be allowed to take the formal make-up exam or restudy the course. The one who has shown true repentance can be given a chance to take a make-up exam.


The student who cheats on exam shall be given a disciplinary probation and a weightier punishment than that.


The student who cheats once and has one time’s violation weightier than discipline violation (including discipline violation) shall be expelled from school.


The student who replaces another person to take the exam or pays another person to take the exam shall be expelled from school.


The regulations take effect as of the date of promulgation with the interpretation right in the hands of the Teaching Affairs Office and is applicable to all types of exams. The Teaching Affairs Office is responsible for the definition of exam discipline violation and cheating on exams, while the Student Affairs Office is responsible for dealing with the corresponding students.


Code of Conduct for International Students of Ningbo University of Technology: Supplementary Regulations on Alcohol Abuse


Ground of the Supplementary Regulations on Alcoholism

1. 根据《宁波工程学院来华留学生守则》第13条规定,我校留学生不得酗酒,不得吸毒,不得酒驾,不得卖淫、嫖娼。

According to Article 13 of the Code of Conduct for International Students of Ningbo University of Technology, “Alcohol Drinking, drug use, prostitution and whoring are strictly prohibited.”

2. 根据《宁波工程学院来华留学生办事流程及注意事项》中的安全常识篇5条规定,我校留学生严禁酗酒:不在宿舍内酗酒,深夜不外出饮酒。

According to Article 5 of Security Regulations and Advice of the Services Procedures and Precautions, NBUT international students are required of “No alcoholism: Do not have excessive drinking in dormitory or go out for drinking late at night.”

3. 根据《宁波工程学院来华留学生违纪处分规定》,校园内禁止吸烟、酗酒;经教育不听劝阻的,给予警告处分;

According to the Code of Student Discipline: Regulations for the Management of International Students in Areas of Misconduct, the international student ”who smokes and drinks on campus and continues to do the same after dissuasion shall be given a warning;”


Contents of Supplementary Regulations:


In order to prevent all kinds of existing or potential public security incidents caused by alcohol abuse, the International Student Affairs Office of Ningbo University of Technology has formulated the following supplementary regulations, implemented from the date of promulgation. If the contents are different from the previous related provisions, the supplementary regulations shall be followed:


Ningbo University of Technology international students are strictly prohibited from alcohol abuse both inside and outside the University campus. Once alcohol abuse is found, the involved student shall be given a serious warning for the first time, persuaded to quit NBUT study for the second time, and expelled from the University immediately for the third time.


If any Ningbo University of Technology international student is found, whether inside or outside the University campus, to be involved in drunken driving, fights, traffic accidents, sexual harassment, or any other misconduct incurring social harms, he or she shall be immediately expelled from the University.


1Pay the tuition

Transfer the tuition to the bank account below:




2Physical examination

Notes: please do the health check in the morning with empty stomach, and get your health report next afternoon and hand in to the international office before going to the immigration)

Address: 宁波市口岸医院(宁波市柳汀街336号,妇儿医院对面)。


How: take bus No.1 to Ningbo railway station or take subway line 2 to Ningbo railway station. 

3To immigration Residence Permit: we will process your residence permit within 30 days after your entry into China, 400 RMB/ 6months, 800 RMB/year

Address: 宁波市行政服务中心,宁穿路和河清北路交叉口。

Time: 9:00---12:00;  13:30—17:00

How: Take line2 Gulou then transfer to line1 Fuqing North Road 

4Make the bus card

Note: First, you need to take your passport, evidentiary material ,one 2 inch photo and at least 20 to the Zhong Ma Road 561or DaShaNi Street 61.


   1. Zhong Ma Road 561

Ningbo University of Technology north gate, take bus 343 to the last station(Baisha center station). Zhong Ma Road 561 is near the station.

2. DaShaNi Street 61.

Subway:Line 2, to the Gulou, then to the Tianyi Square, DaShaNi Street 61 is near the Tianyi Square.

Or take bus 541 or 1 to the Tianyi Square



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